
Step 1

點擊 "加入购物车" 按鈕

Click "Add To Cart" button.

Step 2

你可以透過點擊 "Continue Shopping" 按鈕,繼續將更多商品加入購物車。當你準備好結帳時,請點擊 "Checkout" 按鈕继续。

You can continue adding more items to your shopping cart by clicking "Continue Shopping" button. When you're ready to checkout, click "Checkout" button to procced.

Step 3

檢查你的購物車。確認你购买的物品无误後,請点击 “NEXT” 繼續下一步。

Check your cart. Once you confirm your items, proceed to next.

Step 4

如果你是回頭客,請使用你的電子郵件和密碼登入。否則,請点击左则 “Registration",为自己註冊账号。然後點擊 "Next" 按鈕繼續。

If you're a returning customer, please login using your email and password. Otherwise, please register by completing the registration form. Then click the "Next" button to continue.

Step 5

選擇你的帳單/送貨地址。你也可以点击筆圖,更改地址。完成後點,点击 "Next" 按鈕继续。

Choose your billing/shipping address. You can also edit them with the pen icon. Click "Next" button to proceed once you're done.、

Step 6

選擇你的送货方式。然後點擊 "Next" 按鈕繼續。

Choose your shipping method. Then click "Next" button to proceed.

Step 7

確認你的訂單,並點擊 "PAY NOW" 按鈕,結束購買。如果有優惠券,你可以輸入編號。

Confirm your order and click the "PAY NOW" button to end your purchase. You can enter the coupon number if available.


No. 19-2, Jalan Sri Pinang 1, Taman Sri Pinang, Off Jalan Labu, 70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.

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Register Form


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